Advance Wars - Orange Star

Old games nostalgia hits me again and this time I find myself doing a quick sketch of Sami, Andy and Max from Nintendo's Advance Wars series. AW is incredibly addictive stuff and is probably one of the best turn based war games ever made.

4 fictional but realistic countries; yellow comet (japan), green earth (germany), blue moon (russia) and orange star (the states) are pitted against each other until they join forces and defeat a fourth, hi tech nation, the black hole (which reminds me of nazi germany due to dress codes and the evil intentions)

You pick a commanding officer from a list of lovely designed weirdos who posses unique special powers, build tanks, infantry, planes, ships and the usual war machine lot, capture cities, bases and all.

Panzer General (pc), Field Commander (psp) and Shattered Union (pc) are namely a few of similar games but surprisingly non are as good as good old Advance Wars.